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June's Underappreciated Music: Long Live The Bat: "Music! BAT Music!" Prince Edition

The 30th anniversary date of Batman 1989 has passed, but I still have it on my mind. There's one aspect of the film I didn't mention yet that I should have: the song soundtrack by Prince.

At the time, Prince seemed to me to be both an odd choice to do a Batman soundtrack and the perfect choice at the same time. He was bold, he was boisterous, he's a lot like a comic book character!

Only a few of the songs were used in the actual film, but two of them became part of the Bat-Zeitgeist of the time. Here they are!

"Batdance." This doesn't appear in the movie, but it's a funky novelty tune that's a lot of fun!

Next is "Partyman," famous for being the tune that plays when the Joker makes his grand entrance to the art museum for his "date" with Vicki Vale. Some of the goofiness of the movie irks me these days, but this fun scene is an exception. I love it!

If Prince were still with us, I wonder if he'd acknowledge his musical contribution to the film today.


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