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Caroline Ford

Born            :  November 8, 1993
Occupation  :  Actress

Personal Life

Caroline Ford is a London based actress born November 8, 1993 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She discovered her love for performance while growing up in Hertfordshire and attended acting, ballet and jazz classes at the Carol Kristian Theatre School until the age of eighteen.
Caroline went on to study at St Andrews University where she developed her passion for acting, spending as much time on the stage as in her books. Her time in Scotland saw her play a diverse and challenging range of roles, from Shakespeare’s tragic Juliet to Satre’s terrifying Inez.
In a busy 2011, she has starred in a number of short films including Eitan Arrussi’s The Crypt and landed the role of Maxine in feature film The Callback Queen. Caroline has also shot a number of prestigious commercial campaigns including the worldwide Nivea 100 year anniversary campaign.

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