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May In Review

The past couple of months seem to have absolutely flown by, as per usual, but so much so I didn't manage to get a review post up for April - I was so busy with mock exams that I didn't really seem to have that much, to sum up! So this month's review is a bumper edition of the past two months, about everything I have been loving lately.


Crazily enough, I haven't actually bought a single makeup product since March (I'm seriously saving until New York), so instead I have been trying to rediscover products already part of my collection. One product I have been really loving lately is my NYX Lid Lingerie in the shade Rose Pearl. I don't have a lot of time to do my makeup in the morning so popping this all over the lid with a few matte shades in the crease works so well and saves a lot of time, so totally a win win!


The album that I have been playing pretty much non stop the last month or so has been George Ezra's Staying At Tamara's, which is such an incredible album! It's the sort there's never a single song you want to skip which is really perfect. It has a real feel good sound, especially on songs such as Paradise - my current obsession, while one of my other favourite songs off the album has to be Pretty Shining People as I feel the lyrics sum me up pretty well. I started listening to it even more as I got tickets to see him in July in my hometown which I am super excited for!


The final season of New Girl aired over the past couple of months which, although I am so sad to see it end, was so excited to watch! I don't think the final season compared to some of the earlier ones, but it was really fun to watch and I loved seeing the characters a bit older, such as Schmidt and Cece with their child.

I've also been watching the show Parks And Recreation, as recommended by one of my best friends, and absolutely love it - just make sure to start at season 2 because I have tried to watch it so many times and couldn't get into the first season! It gets so much better and has to be my favourite thing to watch at the moment (but don't worry, it will never take that spot away from Friends for good, I know where my loyalty is).


As I mentioned earlier, the past couple of months my life has seriously revolved around mock exams and preparing for New York (where I will be when this post goes live!). My highlights the past couple of months are definitely the concerts I have been to, both Harry Styles and The Vamps which were amazing (but both feel like ages ago now already!).

I have also been loving this warm weather the UK has been granted lately - I always too easily complain that it is either too cold or too warm, but it has certainly been the refreshing change I needed. Plus, any excuse for an icecream!

What have you been up to the last couple of months?

EG x

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