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Essentials for Pregnancy

Hey everyone, I'm back with another pregnancy post, and this one is all the essentials you will need to keep yourself comfy and happy. Because I am heavily pregnant while the colder months hit, This is more aimed for the colder weather, So anyone who is pregnant at the moment and due within the next few months, you might like this post (well hopefully you all will)

For me this pregnancy is all about comfort and warmth, I am such an awkward person without being pregnant so this has put an extra little bit on me and these next few 'essentials' are what keeps me happy and helps me get some sleep at night. Let's just get straight into it. 

Night dresses
I live and breath in Night dresses! I personally don't like anything around my belly and especially in the evening and night time after a long day, and eating food. 
I love wearing a night dress as it is so airy and doesn't stick to any of your body parts, it flows straight off your belly, leaving you feeling much more comfortable and helps you get a better nights sleep. 
Go to penny's and pick a few up in an larger size than you normally would and let me know what you think

Pregnancy pillow
If you are expecting and have not gotten yourself a pregnancy pillow well go right now and get one! It is honestly the best money I have ever spent. 
For your first trimester, you wont really need one as you aren't showing yet and definitely aren't as uncomfortable as you will get the further you go, Once you start to pop and can't settle at night then you will 100% need one! It gives so much support and comfort at night. 
Pregnancy pillows are available in any baby shops such as Mothercare, Smyths and Bella Baby.

Comfortably shoes
This one is key if you are on your feet most of the time, because you gaining an extra little bit of weight, your legs and feet definitely feel it, So making sure you always wear decent shoes will help not only with sore feet, but also back pain.
Sketchers are a great example of good comfortable shoes, although they might not be as fashionable, what is more important fashion? or not having a sore back and feet?
Any sort of runner/shoe with some padding in them are the best option so make sure you feel and try them on before purchasing.

Hot water bottle
The only thing helping with my back pain, I go through stages of getting a very sore back. The longer I stand up or if I'm super busy that day come the evening time my back will be killing me. A hot water bottle completely eases the pain for me.
Bare in mind it should not be very hot and should only be a mild heat in which it will help with back pain but not burn you or make you over heat.
Penny's is a great place for all your little winter needs.

Fluffy Socks
If you are suffering from sore feet in this cold weather, what's better than fluffy socks. Nothing I tell you. They provide more comfort than your normal cotton socks, as they have fluff which is much more thicker. They keep your feet nice, cosy and warm.
Dunnes, Tesco, Penny's you name it, you will find some fluffy socks in any shop that sells clothes etc.

Night Gown
Another one of my favourites that I would 100% not be able to live without. My pregnancy is literally just about comfort, and you will only ever find me in my one once I'm at home. They just make you so relaxed and chilled so It's a pregnancy must have for sure! and I'm sure it'll be your best friend after labour just to keep you cosy and warm.
The fluffy ones are obviously the ones I'm talking about ! which you will find about 20 in any Penny's stores.

Bio Oil
I swear by this stuff, When your pregnant you gain extra weight obviously, but I find after a while of eating drinking etc my stomach gets very tight. It is very uncomfortable so if I'm home I'll always rub a little on my stomach and I feel so much better then, Not only does it help with the tight feeling, Bio Oil helps to prevent stretch marks too. Although It is kinda expensive, trust me it's worth it.

Wireless bra
A definite must have, Once you start the pop and the boobs start to swell, a bra that has a wire will be very uncomfortable, you will be able to feel the wire dig into your belly, which isn't nice. So opt for a wireless bra therefore the bra will sit perfectly without hurting or making you feel very uncomfortable. You can obviously go for a maternity bra if you would like but if you want to spare the cash then your okay with a wireless bra.
You will be able to purchase these anywhere that sells underwear, so Victoria Secret, H&M, Penny's etc. 

Pregnancy Journal
Last but not least, I personally think every pregnant women should have a journal to document all the amazing things that happen through pregnancy, From the second I found out I was pregnant, I got myself one, so In years to come I can look back at the most life changing time in my life and show my daughter too. It's something very sentimental to have so if your someone who likes them little things and likes to document certain times/events in your life, you should definitely buy a pregnancy journal. Their are loads of websites that you can purchase some from, Etsy being one of them.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, I'm really loving writing the pregnancy posts!!
There will be plenty more coming soon so keep an eye out on my Facebook & Instagram ..
But thank you so much reading, I appreciate every single one of you that read this and support me, This blog is my pride and joy, and can't see myself without it, So hopefully I'll keep growing from here and I hope you are all for the journey with me

Lots of Love
Lyndsey xo 

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