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Amy Chua and fellow Yale professor husband defend bad book

Bud Cooper

I was listening to Amy Chua and her Jew Harvard husband on a Slate podcast defending and explaining their new book about how some groups are more academic and financially successful than other groups. They are getting alot of press and criticism about their book and I am surprised such a smart couple would write something like this. They are smart enough to realize the real reason some groups are more successful than others in America. This is the United States we are talking about. There are many people of all groups that are driven and willing to work as hard as they can but if there are not opportunities for these people they will appear not driven to be millionaires or billionaires. Amy Chua's voice is as sexy as she looks but much of the stuff that came out of her trap hole didn't make some sense. A superiority and exception feeling would make the halls of Harvard and Yale filled with KKK members if what they said had any fucking accuracy. Amy talks about the exceptionally of Cuban-Americans and Persian Americans without explaining they are basically the descendants of exceptional families that  were created and educated as a business class. The are people created by America within their country to s promote free-market right wing Geo-Political philosophy. You can add most Chinese who were actually Taiwanese. Most of these groups were fleeing the bullshit that this couple were trying to enforce and had to leave when Castro and the Ayatollah took over their countries from these CIA created business allies. This couple pretty much talks about what some groups have to be corporate success. This means in the cases of Jews and Mormons is promoting those folks that share your religious values I guess. Don't underestimate the pressure teachers and administrators have at schools to get certain children at the top with inflated grades and scores. This book and couple are nonsense and their problem is they spend too much time with children at Harvard whose parental attitudes are not any better or superior than children from parents of middle class factory workers. I wonder how much time they got to spend with strict inner city black or rural white parents where education is not such a luxury. Children of business class and corporate parents have immediate advantages and how Amy Chua and her Jewish husband cannot seem to understand it. Anyone can have a superiority feeling. I feel superiority to smokers and whenever I see one I want to spit in their face. Many college professors marry each other across this country and thus have this attitude of their superiority because their families encouraged education and a corporate world will only reward those with massive degrees on their resume. maybe it is a reward for their debt to banks or something but whatever the reason only folks with any degrees are rewarded by this economy with a population dumb enough to allow this injustice.  Nothing in this book can be measured and basically this couple is successful because someone else decided that they should be professors over other candidates at their Ivy League school. This pretty much sums up why some people are more successful than others. I don't know I just have a bachelors degree with a C average so I am not an expert or driven enough. I just wonder if this couple ever heard of nepotism

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