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10 extra beauty steps that make a difference

Like most women I’m always running out of time. It takes me almost 1:30 to get to work and I can use any time saving tricks I can in the morning. There are some days where you just want to feel a bit more special and crank up your routine a notch!

Layering serums and moisturizer

This is the only step in all of those steps that I actually do every day. Actually more than half of my time is dedicated to skin care in the morning. I let every step sink in before I move on to the next step.  If you have dry skin it will make a huge difference in how your make up applies. If you have oily skin you can replace one of the moisturizer by an oil reducing primer

Exfoliating your lips

I have chronically chapped lips, I kid you not! The problem with using lip balms is that it just doesn’t get rid of the flakes. It flattens them down and then they come back in force. A lip scrub will make you look more polish and make your lips look much better!

Letting the foundation set before you powder

I have to give credit for tip to pixiwoo. Since I started doing this, I find that I do not need as much powder and that my face looks much smoother.  I do foundation  and concealer first and then I do the eye makeup. I then go pack to powder and blush.

The two steps eyeshadow blending method